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Better Skin After 50 and collagen

19 Aug 2018 0 comments
Better Skin After 50 and collagen

Get Glowing Skin Now

Your wisdom and confidence may grow as you get older, but the same isn't true for many of your hormone levels. During menopause, lower levels of estrogen have a big impact on your skin. Less estrogen makes you prone to thinning, sagging, and wrinkling. 

Your Skin and Menopause

Menopause causes many changes to your skin. Your body stops making as much collagen. You lose some fat under your skin and your skin's elasticity drops.

Clean Up!

Cleansing is an important skin care step -- especially as you age. As you get older and your skin gets drier, your skin especially can benefit from extra moisture. The key is using a cleanser that's right for drier skin.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

After menopause, your skin gets drier because oil glands aren't as active. Try to give skin more moisture with a heavier cream. Skip long, hot showers and put on moisturizer while your skin is still damp. That helps boost hydration.

You Still Need SPF

Even though skin cancer and wrinkling are caused by the amount of sun you got in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, you still need to protect your skin. Why? Skin may have less natural protection than when you were younger. So look for a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher, and wear it every day.

Minimize Wrinkled Skin

You get wrinkles from too much sun damage over the years, as well as the hormonal changes of menopause. As your hormone levels decrease with age, that can change your skin quality and make wrinkles worse. Use moisturizer on your face, jawline and neck every day.

Hit the Spots

Age spots on the face, hands, and chest can look more obvious around menopause. Help prevent them by using sunscreen every day. Already got spots? Fade them with exfoliating products that shed dead skin cells, which can be dull and flaky.

Help Your Hands

The backs of your hands can lose moisture, collagen, and fat during menopause. That can make veins more obvious and skin more wrinkled. Plus, your skin can look see-through and bony. To reduce the look of wrinkles, use moisturizer often on your hands.

Eat Your Antioxidants

Eating foods with antioxidants may help make your skin stronger from the inside out. Look for brightly colored fruits and vegetables (they get their color from these healthy compounds) and try to eat every color of the spectrum.

Stock Up on Soy

Soy is rich in isoflavones, plant-based compounds that seem to act like estrogen in the body. Isoflavones may help improve age-related changes like thinning skin.

Look for Balance

Stress can make your skin drier and more sensitive. It can also trigger conditions like psoriasis. And if you're stressed out, you might even forget your skin care routine.

Work It Out

Exercise does more than just tone your muscles. It helps skin in two ways. First, it relieves stress. Exercise also boosts circulation, which begins to slow with age. The extra oxygen and blood flow can help your skin look brighter and healthier.

Bulk Up on Beauty Sleep

Getting enough sleep helps your skin look fresh. Sleep can help prevent dark circles under your eyes, and it also gives the rest of your body a chance to recharge. So shoot for a solid 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye every night.

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